R a d i o
Some of the very best of my various radio projects!
LasikPlus - "Road Trip - Baltimore"
National radio campaign for LasikPlus.
Played Mike, the husband in the car.
Iron Mountain
One of three national radio spots for Iron Mountain. Amazing sound design on this!
Peter Piper Pizza - "Shoes"
Radio spot for a pizza chain in Arizona. Played the dad of the happy little girl!
Kangaroo Express - "Cup Writer"
A clueless barista in a Kangaroo Express radio spot. "Is that with two s's?"
Aloft Hotels
Get your groove on with this Aloft Hotels radio spot. Get down on it...get down on it.
Voicing the standard 'harried husband' for a radio spot currently airing on Pandora.
Iron Mountain - "Shred"
National radio spot for Iron Mountain.
Nothing like the sound of shredding!
Go West Eugene - "Cars"
Fun radio spot highlighting cool areas of
of the city of Eugene, Oregon
Gexa Energy - "Fast and Easy"
Playing the husband, and payin' the bills. "Wow, that didn't take any time at all!"
Baptist Health - "Noisy Neighbor"
Everyone has THAT neighbor, so it wasn't too hard to channel a surfer dude slacker.
Comcast Sports Net - "High Definition"
High energy sporty spot touting the new High Definition look of Comcast Sports Net!
Stark's Vacuums - "Where Are Vacuums"
Fun radio spot playing the flighty sales clerk for Stark's Vacuums in Portland, Oregon
Aetna Federal Health Plans-"Aetna Feds"
Radio spot for the Washington D.C. area for federal employees' health plans
Radio spot for Aetna for federal employees in Washington D.C.
Cool Sculpting
Channeling my inner 'love-handles'.
Wasn't too difficult.
Boston Car Buyers
Thick Boston accent, hyping a website for buying a car in Beantown!
OR Dept of Transport. - "Traffic Safety"
Warm, friendly, guy-next-door announcer for a Portland area radio spot for ODOT.
Go West Eugene - "Food"
Fun radio spot highlighting cool areas of
of the city of Eugene, Oregon